“I’ve been a parent whose child was very sick with cancer on Ward C2 – a children’s oncology ward at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. I’m thankful that my son Valentino came out the other side and continues to do well.
I met many beautiful children and loving parents during my time on the ward. One amazing mother and friend called Chelsie sadly lost Harley during his first round of chemotherapy. Harley was 19 months old when he passed away. This obviously shattered his family’s world, but it also completely devastated the other parents and staff on the ward.
I have kept in touch with Chelsie since and I was honoured when she asked me to draw a portrait of her son. This simple request sparked an idea that I could offer my portrait service to other families with a sick child on Ward C2. And so ‘Valentino’s and Harley’s Atelier’ was born!
I only ask for a donation of whatever you are happy to contribute and 100% of all donations will go towards Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG), a leading national children’s cancer charity who funds vital research into finding better and kinder treatments.
My experience of being a parent of a child with cancer will never leave me. I count my blessings every day and will never forget those who helped me in huge ways and even the smallest of ways in my hours of need. I want to give something back so that other parents of a poorly child can receive a special and personal portrait of their precious little ones to keep forever.”

Currently available for families of young cancer patients at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge.
Please send an email telling me more about your child and two good quality images of them for me to work from to: